Deploy your custom facet on Sitecore Managed Cloud

We have worked extensively in past couple projects on how to extend xConnect facet, add fun properties to it as needed and tuck it away nicely for later use on all touch down points. Now, this whole process has become second nature. I still remember my first trial at this and I missed various things which wasted more than half a day. 🙂 I do not do rookie mistakes any more. lol

So, traditionally if you need an xConnect facet, you do most common steps on your local or a simple upper environment. This is well documented every where, so, I will not repeat myself on what this process is. Here is one of my blog posts you can refer back to.

Now, what if your upper environment is Sitecore Managed Cloud? Steps are going to be different in this case. So, it is important we know the drill when this is the case:

This link (Sitecore Documentation) helped me quite a bit actually. I would recommend referring this first and then follow the steps below I have as well as additional reference to get you rolling with custom xConnect data.

Steps to actually get it to work:

  1. Deploy your JSON model to all xConnect Collection roles on your resource group
  2. Also, ensure you deploy your JSON on Index worker web job which is usually under xc-search App Service role on your resource group
  3. Drop JSON also on Marketing ops App service.
  4. Ensure the dll that has your custom facet defined and config patch is deployed to all core roles – CM, CD and Processing role App services.
  5. Restart all the xc roles where you dropped JSON and also all core roles to ensure they are reading from all the right places
  6. I would also recommend stopping and starting web job if you are not confident it did not restart when you restarted the app service (xc-search)

And that is it, it should all work fine now. You should be able to ship the information to xConnect extended facet fields as needed. Hope this helps some one who is unsure how to deploy custom extended facet to Managed Cloud!