Showcase Shiny new Info on Experience Profile

In my last blog, we talked about how we could extend xConnect contact facet with additional information and add details to it when a user submits a form for instance. We can check to ensure the data is saved properly by running few quick SQL commands like below.

SELECT TOP (1000) [ContactId]
  FROM [notimpossible_Xdb.Collection.Shard0].[xdb_collection].[ContactFacets]
  where FacetKey ='SalesforceAccount'

You should see a string in FacetData similar to below. It should match definition of custom facet that was deployed. In my case, it looked like:

{"@odata.type":"#Website.Areas.MyProject.Models.DataExchange.ContactFacets.SalesforceAdditionalInformation","Organization":"verndale test","Industry":"Financial Services","Website":"","Involvement":"","SelectedCity":"","ProposedCity":"","AdditionalDetails":"testing preferred key yet again"}

Though through above you can check to see if the information you would like is being stored on contact. But, a more elegant way would be to actually see it on a special tab on Experience profile. There are couple blogs out there that can help you with this especially if the goal is to use Speak. But, if you do not care about using Speak, do check out this one. In my case, I wanted to stick with Speak to see how far I could go with this. It was quite a number of steps, but, a combination of resources and special steps helped me get there.

References that helped me: -> This helped me get started and keep moving in right path till I reached this below. The link noted in there was a lot of information to digest and understand how to proceed next. I wish that area was expounded probably on another blog post. It would have probably helped me knock this down continuing in the same path.

Step where I stumbled and did not know how to proceed

Well, since I was able to come this far, I did not want to give up. I kept looking for something that could lead me to keep moving. I finally found this one that helped me fill in the gaps. This is that magic blog:

Step #4 on this blog gave me an idea to duplicate the tab and adjust presentation using Sitecore rocks as needed instead of creating brand new items and scramble what should be added to presentation. One gap in this blog which was not mentioned is – when you duplicate the Tab Item, ensure you change references in presentation on new tab item to point to appropriate internal items within the new tab item. For example, below needed to be swapped to ensure I do not break existing details tab and to ensure I show values that I would need to show on my new tab.

Change the above highlighted to self reference the newly created Tab
Change ID here to new TabID. If you leave it to old one, your existing details tab could potentially not work. 🙂
On LoadOnDemandPanel, ensure the itemid matches the ID of DetailsPanel under newly created tab. This should be swapped using Sitecore Rocks.
Change Target Control ID as well to ID of Border given on presentation.

Remember to change ID’s on all presentation components on Tab item. This is to ensure no overlap with existing Details Tab item. If I did not do above, my original details tab was broken and was not working.

Now that we finished changing presentation of main Tab item, lets move to Details Panel Item which is also based on Tab Template -‘/sitecore/client/Business Component Library/version 1/Templates/Common/Tab’. Open this item up on Sitecore rocks and play with presentation to update/inject new items. Also, ensure to add new datasource items and swap existing references to newly created items under details panel. Finally, my presentation looked like below.

Highlighted ones are actually new additional fields that I would like to show on my Additional Information Tab on Experience Profile.

Do not forget to add new label data sources needed. I took inspiration as to where the existing ones are and dropped my news ones in the path below: ‘/sitecore/client/Applications/ExperienceProfile/Common/System/Texts’

I added additional css needed for this tab by adding a new style sheet item as shown below

Additional css needed for this tab and new elements

Finally, last step is to hone our js that is needed to make the right calls and read/display from JSON data. To configure which JS to use, edit the Subcode presentation component’s details.

Add file path to shiny new JS
//Here is JS Code for my new tab
define(["sitecore", "/-/speak/v1/experienceprofile/DataProviderHelper.js", "/-/speak/v1/experienceprofile/CintelUtl.js"], function (sc, providerHelper, cintelUtil) {
    var intelPath = "/intel",
        dataSetProperty = "dataSet";

    var cidParam = "cid";
    var intelPath = "/intel";
    var getTypeValue = function (preffered, all) {
        if (preffered.Key) {
            return { Key: preffered.Key, Value: preffered.Value };
        } else if (all.length > 0) {
            return { Key: all[0].Key, Value: all[0].Value };

        return null;

    var app = sc.Definitions.App.extend({
        initialized: function () {
            var transformers = $.map(
                ], function (tableName) {
                    return { urlKey: intelPath + "/" + tableName + "?", headerValue: tableName };



        setEmail: function (textControl, email) {
            if (email && email.indexOf("@") > -1) {
                cintelUtil.setText(textControl, "", true);
                textControl.viewModel.$el.html('<a href="mailto:' + email + '">' + email + '</a>');
            } else {
                cintelUtil.setText(textControl, email, true);

        setupContactAdditionalDetails: function () {
            var contactId = cintelUtil.getQueryParam(cidParam);
            var tableName = "additionalcontactinfo";
            var baseUrl = "/sitecore/api/ao/v1/contacts/" + contactId + "/intel/" + tableName;


                $.proxy(function (jsonData) {
                    if ( != null && > 0) {
                        // Data present set value content
                        var dataSet =[0];
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.OrganizationValue, dataSet.Organization, false);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.IndustryValue, dataSet.Industry, false);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.WebsiteValue, dataSet.Website, false);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.InvolvementValue, dataSet.Involvement, false);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.SelectedCityValue, dataSet.SelectedCity, false);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.ProposedCityValue, dataSet.ProposedCity, false);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.AdditionalDetailsValue, dataSet.AdditionalDetails, false);
                }, this));

        setupContactDetail: function () {
            var getFullAddress = function (data) {
                var addressParts = [

                addressParts = $.map(addressParts, function (val) { return val ? val : null; });
                return addressParts.join(", ");

            providerHelper.initProvider(this.ContactDetailsDataProvider, "", sc.Contact.baseUrl, this.DetailsTabMessageBar);
                $.proxy(function (jsonData) {
                    this.ContactDetailsDataProvider.set(dataSetProperty, jsonData);
                    var dataSet = this.ContactDetailsDataProvider.get(dataSetProperty);
                    var email = getTypeValue(jsonData.preferredEmailAddress, dataSet.emailAddresses);
                    if (jsonData.emailAddresses.length === 0 && email != null)

                    var phone = getTypeValue(jsonData.preferredPhoneNumber, dataSet.phoneNumbers);
                    if (jsonData.phoneNumbers.length === 0 && phone != null)

                    var address = getTypeValue(jsonData.preferredAddress, dataSet.addresses);
                    if (jsonData.addresses.length === 0 && address != null)


                    cintelUtil.setText(this.FirstNameValue, jsonData.firstName, false);
                    cintelUtil.setText(this.MiddleNameValue, jsonData.middleName, false);
                    cintelUtil.setText(this.LastNameValue, jsonData.surName, false);

                    cintelUtil.setTitle(this.FirstNameValue, jsonData.firstName);
                    cintelUtil.setTitle(this.MiddleNameValue, jsonData.middleName);
                    cintelUtil.setTitle(this.LastNameValue, jsonData.surName);

                    cintelUtil.setText(this.TitleValue, jsonData.jobTitle, false);

                    cintelUtil.setText(this.GenderValue, jsonData.gender, false);
                    cintelUtil.setText(this.BirthdayValue, jsonData.formattedBirthDate, false);

                    if (email) {
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.PrimeEmailType, email.Key, true);
                        this.setEmail(this.PrimeEmailValue, email.Value.SmtpAddress);
                        cintelUtil.setTitle(this.PrimeEmailValue, email.Value.SmtpAddress);

                    if (phone) {
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.PrimePhoneType, phone.Key, true);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.PrimePhoneValue, cintelUtil.getFullTelephone(phone.Value), true);

                    if (address) {
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.PrimeAddressType, address.Key, true);
                        cintelUtil.setText(this.PrimeAddressValue, getFullAddress(address.Value), true);
                }, this)

            this.EmailColumnDataRepeater.on("subAppLoaded", function (args) {
                cintelUtil.setText(,, true);
            }, this);

            this.PhoneColumnDataRepeater.on("subAppLoaded", function (args) {
                cintelUtil.setText(,, true);
                cintelUtil.setText(, cintelUtil.getFullTelephone(, true);
            }, this);

            this.AddressColumnDataRepeater.on("subAppLoaded", function (args) {
                cintelUtil.setText(,, true);
                cintelUtil.setText(, getFullAddress(, true);
            }, this);
    return app;

Only difference in code between the above and out of the box details tab is the method this.setupContactAdditionalDetails(). This function is wired up to call newly configured end point with tablename ‘additionalcontactinfo’ This is essentially the specific name you have given in your configuration element noted below.

<configuration xmlns:patch="">
      <group groupName="ExperienceProfileContactViews">
            <processor type="Website.Pipelines.ContactFacets.SalesforceExtensions.ConstructSalesforceDataTable,Website" />
            <processor type="Website.Pipelines.ContactFacets.SalesforceExtensions.GetSalesforceDataActions,Website"/>
            <processor type="Sitecore.Cintel.Reporting.Processors.ApplySorting, Sitecore.Cintel"/>
            <processor type="Sitecore.Cintel.Reporting.Processors.ApplyPaging, Sitecore.Cintel"/>

That is it, if all goes well and you did the configuration and steps mentioned above correctly you should see the new tab loaded with information you need.

New Tab showing all the additional information

That is it, now I don’t have to open SQL Manager or run a query to check and ensure the data is updated fine in Sitecore when form is submitted with all data or when Salesforce is updated and synced back to Sitecore. Happy and Productive!

Next up, few hiccups post live and how we solved it.

Shipping custom information to Salesforce

What would you do when basic foundation of what you would like to achieve is done and is done right? I happen to never get an opportunity to say thats it! There is always a next page, next step and moving on to next challenge. To be honest, I do not want it any other way, love to keep building next awesome things. 🙂

That is exactly what happened when I wrapped up the data flow that I noted on my post here. To continue on path to enhance and extend the data we had to look at variety of other information that we collect from end users on our forms. We want to ship this rich data back to Salesforce, I mean why not right? So, let’s see how we could do that.

Firstly, Sitecore has some awesome documentation around how you can get started to extend both Sitecore contact and Salesforce to accommodate your data needs. As always I will not repeat the information, but, will try to highlight the challenges that I had to resolve to make this happen. Also, fill in any gaps that are not covered in documentation here.

Abstract steps we need to do to get this rolling:
1. Add fields needed on Contact in Salesforce
2. Extend XConnect contact with new fields needed based on longer forms
3. Extend models on collection, follow steps noted here to extend facets on both XConnect and extend models of Salesforce on DEF:–creating-a-custom-contact-facet.html
4. Add additional mapping on forms, so, the back-end can retrieve values entered on form fields that are noted.
5. Ensure XConnect contact has the new info
6. Run pipelines needed.
7. Ensure salesforce has the new data
8. Backward flow of data from Salesforce to Sitecore on new facet fields

Few Gaps:

  • In Documentation, it does not call out that it is needed to click on the option available called ‘Convert Model in to Items’ after a custom model item is created and corresponding path to namespace and dll is set on field ‘Collection Model Type’. This is really important, if you do not do this stuff will simply not work. See screenshot for guidance.
Click on highlighted option to create items from model.
  • Ensure new custom facet is selected on Contact Facets under pipeline step: /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/yourtenant/Pipelines/xConnect Contacts and Interactions to Salesforce Sync/Custom Read Contacts from xConnect Pipeline/Read Contacts from xConnect
Pick facets to read, otherwise new mappings will not work
  • Also, note if you try to package your custom model located under /sitecore/system/Settings/Data Exchange/Providers/xConnect/Collection Models/Custom Models/ to upper environments, the mappings do not work. It has to be created from each environments and all references to these items should be changed/swapped as well. If you do not do this, the mappings might not work. It took me lot of back tracking to figure this out. It is painful to change references, but, most references to custom model specific items should be in here ->
    /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/your tenant/Data Access/Value Accessor Sets/Providers/xConnect/xConnect Contact Additional Information Facet OR which ever name you used to create item based on ‘xConnect Entity Facet Value Accessor Set’ while following instructions here

That is all! if you are lucky enough, new value mappings added to location -> /sitecore/system/Data Exchange/your tenant/Value Mapping Sets/xConnect Contact to Salesforce Contact Mappings/Contact Model to Salesforce Contact should work. Good luck!

Now, lets ensure we know what to do while ensuring the additional data can flow backwards as well which is from Salesforce to Sitecore. Most of the steps should be covered as part of link from Sitecore above. But, again few things below which need to be done to ensure this works.

  • Ensure on pipeline step ‘Read Contacts From Salesforce’ below, its pointing to your tenant Salesforce Contact Fields. In my case, it was pointing to branch specific fields when I toggle the view to show raw fields.
Ensure it points to correct set of extended fields from your tenant
  •  Ensure on below highlighted new custom facet is picked otherwise error on logs “Already Exists” while updating custom facet.

That is all! If all goes well, you should now the custom xConnect contact data back in Salesforce and vice versa. Now, what? Well, we can check to see if the data is updating properly on xConnect shard databases, but, why not show this additional values on Experience Profile for ease of use? Also, we had a hiccup on previous functionality that was shipped live, will see how we debugged and resolved the same. We will see how to do these in next set of blogs.